Congressional Response To Contrails
  by Jon Nowinski
Project Manager/Director
The Smoking Gun Research Agency

Our agency has been in contact with many Washington representatives on many of the issues that we actively investigate, from UFOs to the ghosts of Washington. Our representatives have always been more that willing to help in any way they could and have even taken the time to call us on certain issues we have contacted them on. Our most recent contact has been on the issue of the contrails which have been seen over many American cities and which seem to have a direct connection with strange outbreaks of flu-like illnesses which have caused some deaths. What follows is a copy of both the response we received from Senator Lieberman and his letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Carol M. Browner. We should also remember and give our support to the politicians who have taken the time to contact us and review these issues which we feel are important.

(Letter Received 10-March-1999)

United States Senate Washington, DC 20510-0703

March 5, 1999
Mr. Jon Nowinski
24 Oakview Circle
Westport, CT 06880

Dear Mr. Nowinski:

I'm enclosing a copy of a letter which I recently sent to the Environmental Protection Agency regarding you concerns about the possible release of toxic chemical substances from jet contrails that have contributed to illnesses in a number of states.

As soon as I receive a response from them, I will promptly contact you. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Joseph I. Lieberman [signed]

(Letter To The Administrator Of The EPA)

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-0703

March 5, 1999
Hon. Carol M. Browner
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20460

Dear Administrator Browner:

I'm enclosing copies of letters and e-mails which I recently received from some of my constituents regarding their concerns about the possible release of toxic chemical substances from jet contrails.

My constituents are specifically concerned about reports of toxic spraying over populated areas in 41 states. According to the information they have provided, these substances were chemically analyzed and reportedly contained ethylene dibromide, a cancer-causing chemical and infectious pathogen. My constituents further point out recent outbreaks of flu-like symptoms and other sicknesses in Connecticut and other states that may possibly be linked to jet fuel exhaust fumes.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would provide me with a response which addresses the issues my constituents have raised.

thank you for your attention to this matter.


Joseph I. Liberman [signed]

We will be glad to bring anyone who is interested further information on this issue as we receive this and will continue to actively follow up the events surrounding this issue. We also would like to encourage anyone who can to write to your Congressmen and inform them about issues which are concerning you. Remember, they are there to help us, and the are always more than willing to. Also, I will make both my agencies letters and investigations available to anyone who wants them. Contact us for more information. ( or )

Jon Nowinski (
Project Manager/Director
Smoking Gun Research Agency (

Copyright © 1999 by Jon Nowinski,

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