-- April 12, 1999 Editor: Joseph Trainor
  UFO ROUNDUP Volume 4, Number 15

"Bones of a woman found on California's Channel Islands might be among the oldest human remains found so far in North America, and they could support theories that the first Americans came by sea rather than over a land bridge, scientists say."

"The bones of the so-called Arlington Springs woman are probably 13,000 years old, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday," April 11, 1999.

"That would make her slightly older than the oldest known skeletons in North America, which were found in Montana, Idaho and Texas." (Editor's Note: And about 2,000 years older than New Mexico's "Folsom Man.")

"'Bottom line is, she may be the earliest inhabitant of North America we have discovered. It's a find of national significance,' said John Johnson, curator of anthropology at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, which is part of a team researching the woman's bones."

"The work was described in a paper presented March 30 at the Fifth California Islands Symposium at the museum."

"The remains--two thigh bones--were discovered at Arlington Springs on Santa Rosa Island 40 years ago and kept at the Santa Barbara museum."

"Recently researchers at the museum and Channel Islands National Park conducted DNA and radiocarbon tests that were unavailable when the bones were first found."

"One test produced an estimate that the bones are 11,000 years old (about the same as Folsom Man--J.T.), and a second gives an age of about 13,000 years, the Times said." (See USA Today for April 12, 1999, "Recovered human bones may be oldest in North America," page 19A.)

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