Is Gravity Caused by Tension in the Fabric of Space-Time?
  by Robert J. Lee

Gravity: Push or Pull?

I don’t believe that gravity pulls us.  I think push is a more accurate concept.  A heavenly body such as the earth displaces the fabric of space-time, and the result is an effect of tension against the surface of the earth.  Matter is pushed down in an elastic-like effect.  The tautness of curved space-time holds us down.  The fabric of space-time, which covers the earth, is curved because the massive presence of the planet earth distorts the fabric.  The fabric of space-time is invisible matter, and although we cannot see the fabric of space-time we can observe its effects.

Naturally, the gravity would be greater on a planet with greater radius and mass than the earth because the fabric surrounding the planet would be stretched to a greater degree of tension.  Objects on these planets are "pushed down" with greater force.  The planet Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and has the greatest surface gravity of the nine planets.  The gas giant Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system.  Due to the nature of its mass, the fabric can penetrate this planet more easily than it can penetrate Jupiter.  As could be expected, Saturn has less than half the surface gravity of Jupiter.  If all nine planets were composed of the same matter as the earth, then you could rank their surface gravities according to their sizes.

One could observe in many cases that the more massive an object, the greater its surface gravity will be.  Of course, the planets in our solar system are not composed of extremely dense matter and can be well penetrated by the fabric of space-time.  There is much "empty space" in our planet; an atom is mostly space.  Consequently, I believe that the fabric of space-time penetrates the Earth to its very core.  We know that even in our deepest mine shafts we have gravity.

The entire earth is surrounded by the fabric (or substance) of space-time.   I try to use analogies to describe this notion although my analogies are often less than perfect.  Think of the earth as being a giant porous ball trapped inside an enormous block of rubber-like substance.   This invisible substance pushes itself all the way to the center of our planet.   It is what makes a bottle of water fall to the floor deep inside a mine shaft when a miner drops it.  It is what holds a man down to the ground when he walks across a field.

Gravity and the Atom

I will have to postulate that the fabric of space-time cannot penetrate the nucleus of an atom.  This resistance would result collectively in tension which in turn causes gravity.  Earth’s atomic matter is held down by this effect.  I can understand why a physicist who is interested in particle physics would look for explanations of gravity at the subatomic level.  My tension theory of gravity does not require a theoretical subatomic particle like a graviton.

In light of my theory, mass is not a result of tiny vibrating superstrings; mass is a result of the resistance of protons and neutrons to tension in the fabric of space-time.  I fully accept the idea that mass increases as matter moves at speeds close to that of light.  Why does mass increase?  It is because resistance to the fabric of space-time increases drastically as matter pushes against it at these advanced speeds. 

Consider the elements.  Even as a child I knew that lead was heavy.  You can see on the periodic table of the elements that lead has 82 protons and the atomic mass is 207.2.  Greater tension is produced when space-time matter comes into contact with the nucleus of a lead atom because resistance is greater.  Simply put, tension is a result of resistance.  This is the real basis of gravity.

Electron Shell Distortion Theory

If the fabric of space-time cannot penetrate the nucleus of an atom then it seems likely to me that the nucleus would be surrounded by globular layers of space-time matter.  These layers are in fact what we refer to as electron shells.  Tiny electrons spin on the surface of these layers billions of times a second.  Scientists know that high energy photons can knock the electrons off of their shells but the question is how?  I don’t believe that a zero-mass luxon like the photon could knock an electron (even though it has a very tiny mass) off of it’s shell like billiard balls as some have suggested, but in reality the photon distorts the contour of the shell and the electron flies off into space.  I call the above idea my Electron Shell Distortion Theory and hope that it will merit serious attention from physicists.  If this theory is proven then my ideas about gravity will gain credibility.

Gravity, Black Holes and Photons

Compact objects in the universe are made up of extremely dense matter.  Black holes are one type of compact object.   The following analogy illustrates why gravity is so enormous on the surface of a black hole: Imagine a ball of hard rubber cut in half.  Place a large steel ball bearing between the halves and press the halves together.  The fabric of space-time is like the hard rubber.  It is unforgiving and unyielding.  It cannot penetrate a black hole because there is no empty space inside a completely collapsed compact object.  The fabric of space-time presses down very hard on the surface of a black hole and creates enormous surface gravity. 

Light photons move freely through the fabric of space-time unless the fabric is extremely compacted.  An example would be the compacted fabric which surrounds a black hole.  I submit that light photons cannot pass through this super-compressed layer of fabric.

High energy photons can cause movements in the fabric of space-time - suggesting that there is resistance involved.  Does this mean that photons might exceed the speed of  light in a true vacuum - without the fabric of space-time to impede velocity?  Faster-than-light wavelets have been observed when two waves collide.  Photons have a relationship with the fabric of space-time that may include some unknown properties.  Photons might behave quite unpredictably in a true vacuum.

Models of Space-Time Curvature

In my opinion, there is a need for better models to illustrate space-time curvature.  Most models of space-time curvature generally depict something like a giant marble resting on a rubber-like sheet or net.  

The fabric (or substance) of space-time covers every inch of the earth’s surface.  It would be more accurate to illustrate space-time curvature by depicting a globe (earth) inside the center of something like a cube of rubber (substance of space-time).  In this model, the globe would distort the rubber.  The rubber would exert pressure uniformly on the entire surface of the globe.  Students could benefit from a representation of this type. 

Properties of Space-Time

Respectfully, I offer my own intuitive ideas about the properties of space-time; like ordinary atomic matter, space-time occupies space, resists change and has physical properties: such as density.  I theorize that it can undergo physical change under certain conditions - one example might be when space-time comes into contact with the nucleus of an atom.  It may be that the strong nuclear force which exists between protons and neutrons causes space time to change from a solid into a fluid state; I strongly suspect that it does.  Perhaps we can someday realize what the fabric of space-time is by improving our understanding of its relationship with the atoms that make up our planet Earth. 

Luminous bodies like the Earth were once masses of molten matter.  I believe that they were molded into round objects by the fabric of space-time that enveloped them.  I don’t believe that they were shaped by so called "dark matter." 

If atomic matter and the fabric of space-time are competing for space, then this suggests to me that our universe is finite and has absolute boundaries.  Is our universe enclosed in a "big bag?"  Shall we call  this idea the "Big Bag Theory?"

Gravity and the Moon

There must be a way to prove the above theory of gravity.  If the above theory is true, then the curved distortion of the fabric of space-time around the Earth will meet the curved distortion of the fabric of space-time around the moon and jointly create a flat circular zone of compressed space-time.  This compression causes the flattened fabric of space-time to press down into the ocean - causing a swelling of the waters (tidal bulge)!  This is an effect that could, in fact, be measured and analyzed. 

When the moon is closest to the Earth, it is in Perigee.  As could be expected, this is when the tides are most affected, because the circular zone of compressed space-time is enlarged and will penetrate a larger area of water. 

Gravity is stronger on the Earth side of the moon.  If the Earth and moon pull at each other (as mainstream physicists believe) then the gravity should be weaker on the Earth side of the moon.  The zone of flattened space-time compression pushes against the face of the moon, therefore increasing gravity. (please see drawing)

On charts depicting the oceans’ tidal bulges, one will notice that the oceans bulge out on opposite sides of the Earth in alignment with the moon.  If the moon is pulling at the ocean, as most people believe, then how could the tides bulge away from the moon, simultaneously, on the opposite side of the planet?  My theory, if applied to that mystery, suggests that the moon and Earth have jointly created a distortion of space-time which affects the tides on opposite sides of the planet by penetration and competition for space.

Mainstream science puts forth the belief that the moon is held in orbit by the gravitational pull of the Earth.  At the same time scientists admit that Earth gravity is the weakest of nature’s four forces.   There surely must be more than four forces of nature.  I believe that natural tension in the fabric of space-time holds you and me to the sidewalk when we stand, walk or run. 

If the fabric of space-time pushes against the surfaces of the Earth and moon, and at the same time these two heavenly bodies pull at each other like giant magnets, then it seems obvious that the zone of flattened space-time compression that lies between them is the cushion that keeps them from crashing into each other.  These two forces simultaneously work in a harmonious fashion to keep nature in balance.


Objects in space, like the Earth, displace the fabric of space-time.  This displacement results in the elastic-like tension in the fabric of space-time that causes gravity to exist on our planet.

The challenge of quantizing space-time has not been met.  Understanding how it is structured and even inventing a way to "see" it is, in my opinion, the most important challenge facing physicists.  Among other things, it will reveal the true nature of gravity.

Copyright © 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 by Robert J. Lee.  All rights in the above article are reserved.   No portion may be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the author.

About Me:

Thanks for reading my article on gravity.  I am a retired Information Systems Analyst.  In the late 1990s, close to my retirement time, it occurred to me that tension in the fabric of space-time is responsible for gravity.  I wanted to share this concept with others so I decided to publish my article on the Internet.

In those 20 years of functioning as an analyst, I had to solve many vexing puzzles.  When facts were scarce, I relied on imagination to paint pictures in my mind.  Imagination is a powerful tool.  I want to give God all the credit for any talents that I may have. 

I have received many encouraging emails from people all over the world.  One of my favorite emails came from two fifth graders.  They stated that they had read my article and understood my ideas.  I have tried to simplify complex ideas.

Often people write me and request new ideas.   I am trying to improve the article as thoughts occur to me.   For the present time, my gravity article will have to stand on its own merits.  I have said all I know to say about gravity.

I would like to add that the comparisons I use are admittedly less than perfect.  They are only used to convey ideas and should not be taken literally.

Descartes did not believe that space was an empty void; he believed that the entire universe is made up of matter.  Albert Einstein taught us that energy and matter distort the fabric of space-time.  We see further because we are standing on the shoulders of giants as Sir Isaac Newton observed about himself.  When I think about the accomplishments of men like James Clerk Maxwell, Hermann Minkowski, Albert Einstein, and Hendrik Lorentz, I feel very insignificant, indeed.  I am truly grateful for the knowledge they discovered and shared with us.  


Robert J. Lee